On the 16th of November, the KDC organised the ATM Knowledge & Development Event 2010 at the Schiphol Group headquarters. With approximately 120 participants, inspiring presentations and great atmosphere the event was a great success.
The theme this year was ‘Collaborative Innovation: Real progress or waste of money?’. Important figures in Dutch and European aviation, such as Patrick Ky (SESAR JU), luitenant-generaal Jac Jansen (Royal Dutch Air Force), Hans Alders (Alders tables) and Jeroen Fukken (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment), gave their vision on this theme, led by chairwoman Wouke van Scherrenburg.
But we also looked beyond aviation. Ruud van Vessem of Philips spoke inspiring about the partnerships that Philips participated in when innovating products.
The day was concluded with a panel discussion with representatives of the mainport organisations – Paul Riemens (ATC The Netherlands), Ype de Haan (KLM) and Ad Rutten (Schiphol) – and Jeroen Fukken and Ruud van Vessem.
The presentations that were given during the event can be downloaded below.
Jasper Daams (KDC) – Schiphol innovatie, samenwerking in de praktijk (Dutch)
Patrick Ky (SESAR JU) – SESAR: Real progress through cooperation (English)
Ruud van Vessem (Philips) – Innovation through collaboration (English)
Jeroen Fukken (Min. van Infrastructuur & Milieu) – Innovatieve oplossingen door samenwerking (Dutch)