
Who are the founders, partners and management of the KDC?

The Board and Management Team of the KDC

The founders of the Knowledge & Development Center (KDC) are Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS), Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) and Air Traffic Control The Netherlands (LVNL). The board and management team consist of representatives of these three organisations.

Board KDC


The KDC-board consists of (from left to right): Hans Kooiman (KLM, Vice President Flight Tactical Services, Flight Operations), Maartje van der Helm (LVNL, General Manager Strategy & Capacity Management) en Jan-Kees Rem (RSG, Sr. Manager Process Performance & Improvement).

The KDC-management team consists of Eugene Leeman (RSG, Senior Solutions Lead at Schiphol), Maarten Zorgdrager (RSG, Advisor Stakeholder Strategy and Development at Schiphol), Evert Westerveld (LVNL, Senior Strategy Consultant), Christiaan Evertse (KLM, ATM Regional Manager) and Christa den Hartog (IenW, Senior Policy Advisor Sustainable Aviation) and Pauline Tijms (Coordinator KDC)

The KDC-management team consists of (from left to right): Maarten Zorgdrager (RSG, Advisor Strategy & Airport Planning at Schiphol), Evert Westerveld (LVNL, Senior Strategy Consultant), Christiaan Evertse (KLM, ATM Regional Manager), Eugene Leeman (RSG, Senior Solutions Lead at Schiphol), Christa den Hartog (IenW, Senior Policy Advisor Sustainable Aviation) and Pauline Tijms (Coordinator KDC).


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