
KDC turns 15!

KDC turns 15! Our selection of top projects that made it to implementation!   The KDC foundation was established 15 years ago, on March 30, 2006 as an initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. At the request of the Ministry, LVNL, Royal Schiphol Group and KLM started a collaboration to jointly develop […]

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KDC, Boeing Extend Agreement to Improve Air Traffic Operations in the Netherlands

The Knowledge & Development Centre (KDC) and Boeing are extending a cooperative agreement to develop solutions for sustainable growth of aviation in the Netherlands. Together they initiate projects to develop a new environmentally friendly operational concept for Schiphol reducing noise nuisance, air pollution, emissions and wasted fossil fuel. The KDC is a joint foundation that […]

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Successful ATM Knowledge & Development Event

Successful ATM Knowledge & Development Event

On the 16th of November, the KDC organised the ATM Knowledge & Development Event 2010 at the Schiphol Group headquarters. With approximately 120 participants, inspiring presentations and great atmosphere the event was a great success. The theme this year was ‘Collaborative Innovation: Real progress or waste of money?’. Important figures in Dutch and European aviation, […]

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KDC presents itself at the Innovation Relay 2009

KDC presents itself at the Innovation Relay 2009

On the 4th and 5th of November the Innovation Relay 2009 (formerly the Day of Maarssen) took place at Airbase Valkenburg. The theme of these days was, just as in 2005 and 2007, innovative developments in construction, logistics, aviation, water and traffic & transport. KDC supported the Innovation Relay with several stands in the aviation […]

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BridgeT, Trajectory Based Operations

BridgeT, Trajectory Based Operations

The European Commission has put in place the ‘Single European Sky’ Research Programme (SESAR) to innovatie the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system towards the year 2020. This requires innovations on many aspects of the ATM system. An important challenge lies in developing of so-called ‘ Trajectory Based Operations’, where optimal flight paths are selected […]

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First Innovation Leadership Award goes to…

First Innovation Leadership Award goes to…

On Monday June 8th 2008, Mr. Theo van de Ven, Sr. Manager Strategy and Charges received the first Innovation Leadership Award. The board of the Knowledge Development Centre Mainport Schiphol, praised him for his important contribution to the Mainport Schiphol and the way he has distinguished himself through dedication, leadership and creativity.

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