
Managing of Turnaround Priorities for Schiphol Airport

Managing Turnaround Priorities The infrastructure of Schiphol is very capital intensive and it is therefore important that utilization thereof is maximized. This requires optimal use of runways, taxiways, gates and parking stands. Based on the currently available infrastructure, MovingDot and NLR explored potential priority rules to help optimize the airport throughput, specifically for the management […]

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Optimisation Outbound Cluster – ACARS

The glass is half full; Increasing Schiphol DCL Utilisation to improve the outbound process  Can we realise short-term improvements to the outbound process by reducing the workload for controller and pilots? This depends on increased use of ACARS for pre-departure clearance (DCL). This is the result of the KDC project, ‘Optimising Outbound Cluster (2017)’. The […]

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Functional analysis of Schiphol TWR-C

Can efficiency be improved even further? The control tower at Schiphol-Centre (TWR) is a hive of activity: runway controllers, ground controllers, assistants, AAS gate planners, AAS bus coordinators and many others constantly strive to ensure that traffic flows smoothly at the airport. But how does this work in practice? How do these individuals cooperate with […]

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Traffic Merging Support for Schiphol Approach

Follow the ghost  Merging helps guide traffic to the correct routes. This applies to Dutch motorways but it also applies to our airspace. To develop smooth merging of air traffic the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) conducted the Traffic Merging Support for Schiphol Approach project from August 2016 to January 2017 in close conjunction with LVNL. […]

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Night Optimal Way to Land

I see, I see… Air traffic controllers predict the future using the Trajectory Manager The aircraft makes a smooth descent towards the runway. At the correct altitude, making the least possible noise for local residents. It’s not that difficult. Any modern aircraft can do it. At least, they can as long as there are no other […]

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Arrival Management

Please don’t let the bridge be open… Dealing with uncertainties in arrival times Great! The sun’s shining. One more sip of coffee and you jump on your bike. There are many benefits to cycling to work: Fresh air, a healthy dose of exercise and no traffic jams! Yet your arrival time is not 100% predictable. […]

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RECAT-EU Benefits Schiphol

Greater runway capacity thanks to shorter distances Tailgating. An irritating and dangerous habit on the roads. This doesn’t happen in the air. Aircraft need a safe distance from one another. If the second aircraft is too close behind the first, it can be affected by wake turbulence. That’s why a minimum distance is prescribed between […]

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Schiphol Noise Predictor

If only you’d known… A handy app for avoiding a lot of bother  You are sitting outside your holiday home at the `ringvaart´. It’s a beautiful summer’s day. Just as you open your book a plane flies over. “Oh no, don’t tell me they are taking off from the Aalsmeer runway,” you say to your […]

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