
Applications of ADS-C

Everything under control: Building a traffic overview beyond radar coverage Air traffic control centres in Canada and Australia are already using it: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C), a new technology to downlink data from the aircraft. With ADS-C air traffic control is able to build a traffic overview above the oceans, where there is no radar […]

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De-Icing Planner

Scraping off ice before take-off? Innovative forecasting system for ice formation on aircraft wings  Like car drivers, pilots also experience problems with ice formation. Not on the windshield but on the wings of their aircraft. The ice needs to be removed before the aircraft can depart. This often forms a bottleneck for departing aircraft in […]

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Forecasting LVP Conditions at Schiphol Airport en Improved wind forecasting

Schiphol: hotspot for climate change. How can Schiphol prepare itself for what is coming?    Climate change is causing increasingly extreme weather conditions. Heavy rain and strong gusts of wind make it even more important for Schiphol to provide more accurate weather forecasts. Accurate forecasting is particularly important in relation to runway allocation and handling starts […]

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New Applications of Downlink Airborne Parameters

The more parameters the better? A study on DAPs seeking a balance between supply and requirements Dutch air traffic controllers currently use three Downlink Airborne Parameters, or DAPs. These are handy as they provide useful information about the aircraft: selected altitude, indicated airspeed and magnetic heading. These parameters are only a fraction of the wide […]

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Information Project: Study 4th Initial Approach Fix

In developing a more efficient European airspace (Single European Sky), important objectives are that one the one hand shorter routes can be flown and that on the other hand additional distances flown due to the presence of (closed) military airspace are limited as much as possible. To achieve this, military flying areas will be re-located […]

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Datalink Business Case Study

Problem Area As a consequence of the mandatory implementation of Datalink applications on airplanes operating above flight level 285, new opportunities may arise. More specifically, CPDLC Datalink applications may also be utilized below flight level 285 and at Schiphol airport. The aim of the KDC project PRJ-1945 “Datalink Business Case Study” is to conduct an […]

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Arrival Management at Long Distance

Arrival Managers (AMANs) support air traffic controllers in the planning of arrival times. These systems calculate the estimated time of arrival and the optimal landing sequence of approaching aircraft. Based on this data air traffic controllers are able to adjust the aircraft speed earlier on during the flight which enables aircraft to join the chain […]

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Successful AMAN validation session!

Successful AMAN validation session!

On Wednesday December 11th, a validation session was held at NLR in which the new inbound planning system ASAP (Advanced Schiphol Arrival Planner) was demonstrated. The objective of this session was to ascertain that the system meets all operational requirements in order to start using the system. To this goal, a set-up was created at […]

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