
Sequential steps towards a Multi Airport System (MAS)


This study examines the significant growth of Dutch airports, which has occurred almost autonomously, leading to concerns about reaching maximum airspace capacity without strategic balancing mechanisms. To address this, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management initiated the Dutch Airspace Redesign Program (DARP). The Knowledge Development Centre (KDC) supports this initiative through research.

The study focuses on the development of the Metroplex Airspace System (MAS) for the Netherlands, particularly for the airports EHAM, EHEH, EHRD, and EHLE. It aims to identify necessary aeronautical studies to implement MAS effectively, comparing similar international MAS implementations and analyzing their integration.

Key areas of research include departure scheduling, metroplex-wide route planning, collaborative advanced planning, runway configuration management, short-term air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM) measures, coordinated slot allocation, strategic flight scheduling, and traffic synchronization. The study also recommends investigating successful MAS systems in cities like Paris, London, and Berlin for potential integration into the Dutch airspace system.

Full report

Schiphol Airport Operations Centre (APOC)

Abstract: The Airport Operations Centre focuses on performance-based operations. It steers, monitors and manages airport performances and proactively identifies and mitigates possible capacity constraints or disruptions. This includes disruptions affecting airport operators, airlines, ground handlers and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP). The APOC provides all relevant stakeholders with insights in the operational overview (situational awareness) of the airport and allows them to communicate, coordinate and collaborate their activities. The main deliverable in the APOC is the Airport Operations Plan (AOP). This is a, within the APOC commonly agreed, rolling (operations) plan and is – following the APOC concept – available for all airport stakeholders.

Full report

Impact of RECAT-EU on the departure capacity at Schiphol Airport

Abstract: EUROCONTROL has developed a re-categorization of the wake turbulence categories as defined by ICAO. The initiative splits the “Heavy” and “Medium” categories into “upper” and “lower”. This results in new longitudinal separation minima for traffic. The new categories yield lower separation minima for certain traffic combinations. This can potentially benefit runway throughput, while still maintaining acceptable safety levels. Implementing the new wake turbulence categories are expected to lower the separation minima for certain traffic combinations. It is expected that Schiphol airport will see a runway throughput increase, as the traffic combinations are expected to be positively affected by the new separation minima.

Full report

Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways
through flexible ILS maintenance (OPUS)

Abstract: In order to minimise the impact of the ILS measurements on the capacity of busy Schiphol Airport, LVNL and NLR have since 2006 carried out a number of projects aiming to reduce the number of ILS flight tests without compromising safety (see references [4], [5], [6], [7]). In these projects, NLR performed the analysis and justification of LVNL’s conjecture on predicting (up to certain accuracy) specific ILS flight tests by ground measurements. The results allowed LVNL to reduce the total number of ILS flight test runs at Schiphol from 29 to 3, that is, by about 90%. This reduction of inspection flights contributed to the abatement of noise by measurement flights as well. Consequently, the ILS ground measurements then became the dominant factor in runway occupancy time. The project “Business case – Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways through flexible ILS maintenance”, for brevity referred to as “OPUS”, aimed to assess the feasibility of additional permanent ILS signal quality monitoring, enabling a more flexible planning of ILS ground inspections at Schiphol. This document is the final report of OPUS. It contains an overview of the project’s theoretical and practical approach, the expected results and limitations, the actual results, and finally conclusions and recommendations. It should be noted that the project was a feasibility study including some safety case aspects, yet a complete design and safety assessment were out of scope.

Full report

Initial Target Time Over/Arrival Concept for
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Abstract: One of the major sources of delay at Schiphol is the occurrence of so called hotspots. An example of such hotspot is the occurrence of a bunch of traffic particularly at the boundary of the Amsterdam FIR. A hotspot occurs as a result of a situation where traffic demand is higher that capacity. These hotspots reduce planning flexibility, and complicate capacity forecasts for flow management ATCOs and creates an imbalance between demand and capacity. TTO/TTA can aid in the resolution of this imbalance. To combat hotspots, and balance demand with capacity, ANSPs request the Network Manager (NM) in Brussels to regulate traffic by imposing delays on aircraft take-off times. These take-off delays result in new Calculated Take-Off Times (CTOTs) for aircraft. CTOTs should, in principle, alleviate hotspot, and therefore, reduce the need for path stretching actions from ATCOs. For Schiphol, the period in which the expected demand exceeds the available capacity, a request to the NM is sent to issue CTOTs. Practice has shown, however, that CTOTs do not have the full desired effect because flight crews aim to recover any CTOT imposed delays by flying faster and/or by requesting different routes (horizontally and vertically). In other words, hotspots continue to occur in spite of CTOTs. To improve the effectiveness of CTOTs the Target Time Over/Arrival (TTO/TTA) concept is a potentially effective measure. This study details the TTA concept, analyses best-practises of past-trials at other airports and uses these best-practises to sketch an initial TTA concept for the Schiphol operation which can be used in a first trial. The TTA concept fits the long term LVNL objective to move towards a more collaborative airport operation between ANSP and airline.

Full report

Holding Support for Area Control

Abstract: The operational concept in the Dutch Airspace does not include the use of holding patterns in nominal situations. Instead, vectoring is used to create the optimal approach sequence. Holding is only used during non-nominal conditions, because significant delays may need to be given to inbound flights under such conditions. Nevertheless, holding operations happen regularly at Schiphol, for example due to stormy conditions or low visibility. Although the current holding procedures at Schiphol are safe, they are not always optimal. Therefore, improvements for holding operations may be possible that improve overall performance and predictability. One of the findings of current holding operations is the unpredictability of the duration of holding orbits. Turns sometimes take well above the expected 60 seconds, up to 100 seconds in the worst-case scenario. This report provides a list of solutions based on two solution categories: Ground-based solutions and Airborne solutions. These individual solutions are evaluated and combined in four high-level concepts.

Full report

Continuous Climb and High Altitude SIDs

Abstract: Keeping all traffic laterally combined on a single SID is likely to cause a drop in capacity of 4-7 movements per hour. Imposing a speed restriction of 230-250 knots starting at 3000ft provides a capacity gain of 2
movements per hour since aircraft can be sequenced more closely. ADS-B data shows 95% of the operation can operate at these restrictions. Tighter speed restrictions only provide marginal improvements and lower compliance in the operation. The effect of a speed restriction is limited since most spacing differences occur in the first 2000ft and the speed profile is not always the critical factor in separation. Analysis of vertical profiles shows that 95% of the aircraft operating at Schiphol can fly a fixed angle of 8%. Using this angle, aircraft would perform a conventional NADP-2 departure until 2000ft, followed by a climb with a fixed angle to 6000ft located 12.3nm from the runway. Noise modelling shows that this new profile causes the noise footprint to narrow along the SID, due to a lower power setting. At the same time the noise footprint increases in length along the extension of the runway since aircraft fly at a lower altitude for a longer time.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Abstract: Dutch airports have grown considerably over time. This growth takes place almost autonomously. No mechanisms are established to balance this growth among airports, routes or airspace strategically. It is assumed that, without profound reformation, the maximum airspace capacity will soon be reached. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has initiated the Dutch Airspace Redesign Programme’(DARP) or Programma Luchtruimherziening to reform the Dutch airspace. In this programme
there are various ongoing policy activities. The Knowledge Development Centre (KDC) performs research in support of some of these activities.
In the policy development, the relationship between Schiphol Airport and regional airports is examined closely. Presumably further independent growth of these airports will lead to bottlenecks in the Dutch airspace. Although the DARP aims to address these bottlenecks, the Ministry and KDC also want to
carefully consider the ways air traffic can be better handled by jointly managing air traffic. Managing air traffic into multiple, nearby airports is regarded as a multi-airport environment.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Vision on the role of technology demonstrations in ATM innovation “X-Environment”

Managing of Turnaround Priorities for Schiphol Airport

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Ontwikkeling van een Common Ground Safety Model

TP Meteoserver

kwaliteit Statistische modelverwachtingen BZO fasen

WindVisions – an airport Wind and Visibility Monitoring System for critical weather conditions in a changing climate

The impact of climate change on the critical weather conditions at Schiphol airport

De-icing of airplane wings: Developing a model for wing conditions

Technical Inventory for Go-around Detection (TIGARD)

SANDOR Safe Airport Navigation DemonstratOR

Integratie van Downlink Airborne Parameters in de verkeersleiders gebruikersinterface

New applications of Downlink Airborne Parameters

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Applications of ADS-C

Independent Parallel CDAs (IPC)

CROS Pilot 3b’+ (vervolg project Pilot 3b)

Concentreren geluid door vaste bochtstraal in SPIJKERBOOR SID van baan 24 (CROS pilot 3b)

CROS pilot 5: Night arrivals for runway 18R

Optimale vertrekroutes baan 24 (Rijsenhout) – Publiek Domein Versie

Schiphol Noise Predictor

Trajectory Based Night Time CDA’s at Schiphol Airport

Operational Services and Environment Definition ASAS Interval Management

Operation performance assesment for ASAS interval management in the Schiphol TMA

IOP+i4D Validation Report

Rapport Trials Night OWL TP

KDC Merge – concept refinement

Verhoging van de grondafhandelingscapaciteit op basis van het huidige banenstelsel

Verhoging landingscapaciteit, tijdens marginaal en slecht zicht condities

Increased Sustainability Schiphol (ISS)

Time Based Separation on Final Approach at Schiphol

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Operational requirements Schiphol ground infrastructure 2016-2020

Benefits analysis of RECAT-EU for Schiphol Airport

Functional Analysis of Schiphol TWR-C

Bussines case electronic device for pushback drivers

Optimisation Outbound Cluster: A study on the usability of digital communication means in the Schiphol outbound process

Data Link Business Case Study: Qualitative analysis of potential applications of CPDLC in the Amsterdam FIR below FL245

Capacity and Runway Predictions for Schiphol

Insight in operational efficiency

Applications of SWIM

Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Speed And Route Advisor (SARA)

Schiphol Airport Operations Centre (APOC)

Abstract: The Airport Operations Centre focuses on performance-based operations. It steers, monitors and manages airport performances and proactively identifies and mitigates possible capacity constraints or disruptions. This includes disruptions affecting airport operators, airlines, ground handlers and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP). The APOC provides all relevant stakeholders with insights in the operational overview (situational awareness) of the airport and allows them to communicate, coordinate and collaborate their activities. The main deliverable in the APOC is the Airport Operations Plan (AOP). This is a, within the APOC commonly agreed, rolling (operations) plan and is – following the APOC concept – available for all airport stakeholders.

Full report

Impact of RECAT-EU on the departure capacity at Schiphol Airport

Abstract: EUROCONTROL has developed a re-categorization of the wake turbulence categories as defined by ICAO. The initiative splits the “Heavy” and “Medium” categories into “upper” and “lower”. This results in new longitudinal separation minima for traffic. The new categories yield lower separation minima for certain traffic combinations. This can potentially benefit runway throughput, while still maintaining acceptable safety levels. Implementing the new wake turbulence categories are expected to lower the separation minima for certain traffic combinations. It is expected that Schiphol airport will see a runway throughput increase, as the traffic combinations are expected to be positively affected by the new separation minima.

Full report

Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways
through flexible ILS maintenance (OPUS)

Abstract: In order to minimise the impact of the ILS measurements on the capacity of busy Schiphol Airport, LVNL and NLR have since 2006 carried out a number of projects aiming to reduce the number of ILS flight tests without compromising safety (see references [4], [5], [6], [7]). In these projects, NLR performed the analysis and justification of LVNL’s conjecture on predicting (up to certain accuracy) specific ILS flight tests by ground measurements. The results allowed LVNL to reduce the total number of ILS flight test runs at Schiphol from 29 to 3, that is, by about 90%. This reduction of inspection flights contributed to the abatement of noise by measurement flights as well. Consequently, the ILS ground measurements then became the dominant factor in runway occupancy time. The project “Business case – Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways through flexible ILS maintenance”, for brevity referred to as “OPUS”, aimed to assess the feasibility of additional permanent ILS signal quality monitoring, enabling a more flexible planning of ILS ground inspections at Schiphol. This document is the final report of OPUS. It contains an overview of the project’s theoretical and practical approach, the expected results and limitations, the actual results, and finally conclusions and recommendations. It should be noted that the project was a feasibility study including some safety case aspects, yet a complete design and safety assessment were out of scope.

Full report

Initial Target Time Over/Arrival Concept for
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Abstract: One of the major sources of delay at Schiphol is the occurrence of so called hotspots. An example of such hotspot is the occurrence of a bunch of traffic particularly at the boundary of the Amsterdam FIR. A hotspot occurs as a result of a situation where traffic demand is higher that capacity. These hotspots reduce planning flexibility, and complicate capacity forecasts for flow management ATCOs and creates an imbalance between demand and capacity. TTO/TTA can aid in the resolution of this imbalance. To combat hotspots, and balance demand with capacity, ANSPs request the Network Manager (NM) in Brussels to regulate traffic by imposing delays on aircraft take-off times. These take-off delays result in new Calculated Take-Off Times (CTOTs) for aircraft. CTOTs should, in principle, alleviate hotspot, and therefore, reduce the need for path stretching actions from ATCOs. For Schiphol, the period in which the expected demand exceeds the available capacity, a request to the NM is sent to issue CTOTs. Practice has shown, however, that CTOTs do not have the full desired effect because flight crews aim to recover any CTOT imposed delays by flying faster and/or by requesting different routes (horizontally and vertically). In other words, hotspots continue to occur in spite of CTOTs. To improve the effectiveness of CTOTs the Target Time Over/Arrival (TTO/TTA) concept is a potentially effective measure. This study details the TTA concept, analyses best-practises of past-trials at other airports and uses these best-practises to sketch an initial TTA concept for the Schiphol operation which can be used in a first trial. The TTA concept fits the long term LVNL objective to move towards a more collaborative airport operation between ANSP and airline.

Full report

Holding Support for Area Control

Abstract: The operational concept in the Dutch Airspace does not include the use of holding patterns in nominal situations. Instead, vectoring is used to create the optimal approach sequence. Holding is only used during non-nominal conditions, because significant delays may need to be given to inbound flights under such conditions. Nevertheless, holding operations happen regularly at Schiphol, for example due to stormy conditions or low visibility. Although the current holding procedures at Schiphol are safe, they are not always optimal. Therefore, improvements for holding operations may be possible that improve overall performance and predictability. One of the findings of current holding operations is the unpredictability of the duration of holding orbits. Turns sometimes take well above the expected 60 seconds, up to 100 seconds in the worst-case scenario. This report provides a list of solutions based on two solution categories: Ground-based solutions and Airborne solutions. These individual solutions are evaluated and combined in four high-level concepts.

Full report

Continuous Climb and High Altitude SIDs

Abstract: Keeping all traffic laterally combined on a single SID is likely to cause a drop in capacity of 4-7 movements per hour. Imposing a speed restriction of 230-250 knots starting at 3000ft provides a capacity gain of 2
movements per hour since aircraft can be sequenced more closely. ADS-B data shows 95% of the operation can operate at these restrictions. Tighter speed restrictions only provide marginal improvements and lower compliance in the operation. The effect of a speed restriction is limited since most spacing differences occur in the first 2000ft and the speed profile is not always the critical factor in separation. Analysis of vertical profiles shows that 95% of the aircraft operating at Schiphol can fly a fixed angle of 8%. Using this angle, aircraft would perform a conventional NADP-2 departure until 2000ft, followed by a climb with a fixed angle to 6000ft located 12.3nm from the runway. Noise modelling shows that this new profile causes the noise footprint to narrow along the SID, due to a lower power setting. At the same time the noise footprint increases in length along the extension of the runway since aircraft fly at a lower altitude for a longer time.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Abstract: Dutch airports have grown considerably over time. This growth takes place almost autonomously. No mechanisms are established to balance this growth among airports, routes or airspace strategically. It is assumed that, without profound reformation, the maximum airspace capacity will soon be reached. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has initiated the Dutch Airspace Redesign Programme’(DARP) or Programma Luchtruimherziening to reform the Dutch airspace. In this programme
there are various ongoing policy activities. The Knowledge Development Centre (KDC) performs research in support of some of these activities.
In the policy development, the relationship between Schiphol Airport and regional airports is examined closely. Presumably further independent growth of these airports will lead to bottlenecks in the Dutch airspace. Although the DARP aims to address these bottlenecks, the Ministry and KDC also want to
carefully consider the ways air traffic can be better handled by jointly managing air traffic. Managing air traffic into multiple, nearby airports is regarded as a multi-airport environment.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Vision on the role of technology demonstrations in ATM innovation “X-Environment”

Managing of Turnaround Priorities for Schiphol Airport

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Ontwikkeling van een Common Ground Safety Model

TP Meteoserver

kwaliteit Statistische modelverwachtingen BZO fasen

WindVisions – an airport Wind and Visibility Monitoring System for critical weather conditions in a changing climate

The impact of climate change on the critical weather conditions at Schiphol airport

De-icing of airplane wings: Developing a model for wing conditions

Technical Inventory for Go-around Detection (TIGARD)

SANDOR Safe Airport Navigation DemonstratOR

Integratie van Downlink Airborne Parameters in de verkeersleiders gebruikersinterface

New applications of Downlink Airborne Parameters

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Applications of ADS-C

Independent Parallel CDAs (IPC)

CROS Pilot 3b’+ (vervolg project Pilot 3b)

Concentreren geluid door vaste bochtstraal in SPIJKERBOOR SID van baan 24 (CROS pilot 3b)

CROS pilot 5: Night arrivals for runway 18R

Optimale vertrekroutes baan 24 (Rijsenhout) – Publiek Domein Versie

Schiphol Noise Predictor

Trajectory Based Night Time CDA’s at Schiphol Airport

Operational Services and Environment Definition ASAS Interval Management

Operation performance assesment for ASAS interval management in the Schiphol TMA

IOP+i4D Validation Report

Rapport Trials Night OWL TP

KDC Merge – concept refinement

Verhoging van de grondafhandelingscapaciteit op basis van het huidige banenstelsel

Verhoging landingscapaciteit, tijdens marginaal en slecht zicht condities

Increased Sustainability Schiphol (ISS)

Time Based Separation on Final Approach at Schiphol

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Operational requirements Schiphol ground infrastructure 2016-2020

Benefits analysis of RECAT-EU for Schiphol Airport

Functional Analysis of Schiphol TWR-C

Bussines case electronic device for pushback drivers

Optimisation Outbound Cluster: A study on the usability of digital communication means in the Schiphol outbound process

Data Link Business Case Study: Qualitative analysis of potential applications of CPDLC in the Amsterdam FIR below FL245

Capacity and Runway Predictions for Schiphol

Insight in operational efficiency

Applications of SWIM

Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Speed And Route Advisor (SARA)

Schiphol Airport Operations Centre (APOC)

Abstract: The Airport Operations Centre focuses on performance-based operations. It steers, monitors and manages airport performances and proactively identifies and mitigates possible capacity constraints or disruptions. This includes disruptions affecting airport operators, airlines, ground handlers and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP). The APOC provides all relevant stakeholders with insights in the operational overview (situational awareness) of the airport and allows them to communicate, coordinate and collaborate their activities. The main deliverable in the APOC is the Airport Operations Plan (AOP). This is a, within the APOC commonly agreed, rolling (operations) plan and is – following the APOC concept – available for all airport stakeholders.

Full report

Impact of RECAT-EU on the departure capacity at Schiphol Airport

Abstract: EUROCONTROL has developed a re-categorization of the wake turbulence categories as defined by ICAO. The initiative splits the “Heavy” and “Medium” categories into “upper” and “lower”. This results in new longitudinal separation minima for traffic. The new categories yield lower separation minima for certain traffic combinations. This can potentially benefit runway throughput, while still maintaining acceptable safety levels. Implementing the new wake turbulence categories are expected to lower the separation minima for certain traffic combinations. It is expected that Schiphol airport will see a runway throughput increase, as the traffic combinations are expected to be positively affected by the new separation minima.

Full report

Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways
through flexible ILS maintenance (OPUS)

Abstract: In order to minimise the impact of the ILS measurements on the capacity of busy Schiphol Airport, LVNL and NLR have since 2006 carried out a number of projects aiming to reduce the number of ILS flight tests without compromising safety (see references [4], [5], [6], [7]). In these projects, NLR performed the analysis and justification of LVNL’s conjecture on predicting (up to certain accuracy) specific ILS flight tests by ground measurements. The results allowed LVNL to reduce the total number of ILS flight test runs at Schiphol from 29 to 3, that is, by about 90%. This reduction of inspection flights contributed to the abatement of noise by measurement flights as well. Consequently, the ILS ground measurements then became the dominant factor in runway occupancy time. The project “Business case – Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways through flexible ILS maintenance”, for brevity referred to as “OPUS”, aimed to assess the feasibility of additional permanent ILS signal quality monitoring, enabling a more flexible planning of ILS ground inspections at Schiphol. This document is the final report of OPUS. It contains an overview of the project’s theoretical and practical approach, the expected results and limitations, the actual results, and finally conclusions and recommendations. It should be noted that the project was a feasibility study including some safety case aspects, yet a complete design and safety assessment were out of scope.

Full report

Initial Target Time Over/Arrival Concept for
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Abstract: One of the major sources of delay at Schiphol is the occurrence of so called hotspots. An example of such hotspot is the occurrence of a bunch of traffic particularly at the boundary of the Amsterdam FIR. A hotspot occurs as a result of a situation where traffic demand is higher that capacity. These hotspots reduce planning flexibility, and complicate capacity forecasts for flow management ATCOs and creates an imbalance between demand and capacity. TTO/TTA can aid in the resolution of this imbalance. To combat hotspots, and balance demand with capacity, ANSPs request the Network Manager (NM) in Brussels to regulate traffic by imposing delays on aircraft take-off times. These take-off delays result in new Calculated Take-Off Times (CTOTs) for aircraft. CTOTs should, in principle, alleviate hotspot, and therefore, reduce the need for path stretching actions from ATCOs. For Schiphol, the period in which the expected demand exceeds the available capacity, a request to the NM is sent to issue CTOTs. Practice has shown, however, that CTOTs do not have the full desired effect because flight crews aim to recover any CTOT imposed delays by flying faster and/or by requesting different routes (horizontally and vertically). In other words, hotspots continue to occur in spite of CTOTs. To improve the effectiveness of CTOTs the Target Time Over/Arrival (TTO/TTA) concept is a potentially effective measure. This study details the TTA concept, analyses best-practises of past-trials at other airports and uses these best-practises to sketch an initial TTA concept for the Schiphol operation which can be used in a first trial. The TTA concept fits the long term LVNL objective to move towards a more collaborative airport operation between ANSP and airline.

Full report

Holding Support for Area Control

Abstract: The operational concept in the Dutch Airspace does not include the use of holding patterns in nominal situations. Instead, vectoring is used to create the optimal approach sequence. Holding is only used during non-nominal conditions, because significant delays may need to be given to inbound flights under such conditions. Nevertheless, holding operations happen regularly at Schiphol, for example due to stormy conditions or low visibility. Although the current holding procedures at Schiphol are safe, they are not always optimal. Therefore, improvements for holding operations may be possible that improve overall performance and predictability. One of the findings of current holding operations is the unpredictability of the duration of holding orbits. Turns sometimes take well above the expected 60 seconds, up to 100 seconds in the worst-case scenario. This report provides a list of solutions based on two solution categories: Ground-based solutions and Airborne solutions. These individual solutions are evaluated and combined in four high-level concepts.

Full report

Continuous Climb and High Altitude SIDs

Abstract: Keeping all traffic laterally combined on a single SID is likely to cause a drop in capacity of 4-7 movements per hour. Imposing a speed restriction of 230-250 knots starting at 3000ft provides a capacity gain of 2
movements per hour since aircraft can be sequenced more closely. ADS-B data shows 95% of the operation can operate at these restrictions. Tighter speed restrictions only provide marginal improvements and lower compliance in the operation. The effect of a speed restriction is limited since most spacing differences occur in the first 2000ft and the speed profile is not always the critical factor in separation. Analysis of vertical profiles shows that 95% of the aircraft operating at Schiphol can fly a fixed angle of 8%. Using this angle, aircraft would perform a conventional NADP-2 departure until 2000ft, followed by a climb with a fixed angle to 6000ft located 12.3nm from the runway. Noise modelling shows that this new profile causes the noise footprint to narrow along the SID, due to a lower power setting. At the same time the noise footprint increases in length along the extension of the runway since aircraft fly at a lower altitude for a longer time.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Abstract: Dutch airports have grown considerably over time. This growth takes place almost autonomously. No mechanisms are established to balance this growth among airports, routes or airspace strategically. It is assumed that, without profound reformation, the maximum airspace capacity will soon be reached. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has initiated the Dutch Airspace Redesign Programme’(DARP) or Programma Luchtruimherziening to reform the Dutch airspace. In this programme
there are various ongoing policy activities. The Knowledge Development Centre (KDC) performs research in support of some of these activities.
In the policy development, the relationship between Schiphol Airport and regional airports is examined closely. Presumably further independent growth of these airports will lead to bottlenecks in the Dutch airspace. Although the DARP aims to address these bottlenecks, the Ministry and KDC also want to
carefully consider the ways air traffic can be better handled by jointly managing air traffic. Managing air traffic into multiple, nearby airports is regarded as a multi-airport environment.

Full report

Multi-Airport Concept

Vision on the role of technology demonstrations in ATM innovation “X-Environment”

Managing of Turnaround Priorities for Schiphol Airport

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Ontwikkeling van een Common Ground Safety Model

TP Meteoserver

kwaliteit Statistische modelverwachtingen BZO fasen

WindVisions – an airport Wind and Visibility Monitoring System for critical weather conditions in a changing climate

The impact of climate change on the critical weather conditions at Schiphol airport

De-icing of airplane wings: Developing a model for wing conditions

Technical Inventory for Go-around Detection (TIGARD)

SANDOR Safe Airport Navigation DemonstratOR

Integratie van Downlink Airborne Parameters in de verkeersleiders gebruikersinterface

New applications of Downlink Airborne Parameters

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Applications of ADS-C

Independent Parallel CDAs (IPC)

CROS Pilot 3b’+ (vervolg project Pilot 3b)

Concentreren geluid door vaste bochtstraal in SPIJKERBOOR SID van baan 24 (CROS pilot 3b)

CROS pilot 5: Night arrivals for runway 18R

Optimale vertrekroutes baan 24 (Rijsenhout) – Publiek Domein Versie

Schiphol Noise Predictor

Trajectory Based Night Time CDA’s at Schiphol Airport

Operational Services and Environment Definition ASAS Interval Management

Operation performance assesment for ASAS interval management in the Schiphol TMA

IOP+i4D Validation Report

Rapport Trials Night OWL TP

KDC Merge – concept refinement

Verhoging van de grondafhandelingscapaciteit op basis van het huidige banenstelsel

Verhoging landingscapaciteit, tijdens marginaal en slecht zicht condities

Increased Sustainability Schiphol (ISS)

Time Based Separation on Final Approach at Schiphol

Werklastmodel SPL Ground Control

Vision on the implementation of new technology in the control tower

Operational requirements Schiphol ground infrastructure 2016-2020

Benefits analysis of RECAT-EU for Schiphol Airport

Functional Analysis of Schiphol TWR-C

Bussines case electronic device for pushback drivers

Optimisation Outbound Cluster: A study on the usability of digital communication means in the Schiphol outbound process

Data Link Business Case Study: Qualitative analysis of potential applications of CPDLC in the Amsterdam FIR below FL245

Capacity and Runway Predictions for Schiphol

Insight in operational efficiency

Applications of SWIM

Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Speed And Route Advisor (SARA)