
KDC turns 15!

KDC turns 15! Our selection of top projects that made it to implementation!   The KDC foundation was established 15 years ago, on March 30, 2006 as an initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. At the request of the Ministry, LVNL, Royal Schiphol Group and KLM started a collaboration to jointly develop […]

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New report released: RECAT-EU for departures

The results of the study “RECAT-EU for departures” are available. Click the link below to view the page about this project, with the download link to the report. Impact of RECAT-EU on the departure capacity at Schiphol Airport A study that analyzed the factors that have a bearing on the departure capacity at Schiphol, in […]

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First calls of the 2021 research agenda!

The new year is starting off with a set of new calls! The KDC management team has requested its partners to provide proposals for the projects Steep approach runway 22 (subject 4.2.6 of the research agenda) and Traffic Segregation Concepts (subject 4.2.3). The project Transition to Trajectory Based Opartion (subject 4.5.1) is in the form […]

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New report released: OPUS

The results of the study “Optimising Preferred Use of Schiphol runways through flexible ILS maintenance”, or “OPUS” are available. Click the link below to view the page about this project, with the download link to the report. Feasibility of more flexible ILS ground inspection (OPUS project) A study to investigate the feasibility of additional permanent monitoring […]

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Research Agenda 2021+ released!

The new research agenda has been approved by the KDC Board, and is now available on the KDC website! The KDC research has been expanded to a five year program, covering the 2021 – 2025 period. The program revolves around five themes: Safe Airspace and Airport Navigation Environmental sustainability Airline and Airport Operational Efficiency Capacity […]

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New report released: CCO high altitude SIDs

A new article is filed under the ‘Projects’ tab: Environmental Sustainability about the project CCO high altitude SIDs. Click the link below to view the article and the download link to the report. Design options for Continuous Climb Procedures A study into different departure design choices and their effects on the noise footprint and the […]

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New report released: Multi-Airport Concept

A new article is filed under the ‘Projects’ tab: Capacity Management about the project Multi-Airport Concept. Click the link below to view the article and the download link to the report. Multi-Airport Concept: improved management of air traffic flows in The Netherlands The project ‘Multi-Airport Concept’ explores how Schiphol Airport and the regional airports will […]

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Summary of KDC results 2019

What did we achieve in 2019? Which projects did we work on? What did we complete? What will we continue to work on over the course of the next year? And what are the results so far? You can find the answers to all these questions below.

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