
New articles posted (May 24, 2018)

On the KDC-website the following articles are filed under the ‘Projects’ tab: Airport Capacity* Functional analysis of Schiphol TWR-C: Can efficiency be improved even further?* Business Case electronic device pushback driver: Schiphol might seem rather chaotic, but it’s not!

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Samenwerking HvA met KLM, Schiphol en LVNL

  De Aviation Academy van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam is een langjarige partner geworden met het Knowledge Development Centre (KDC) mainport Schiphol. Het thema Capaciteitsmanagement staat hierin centraal. Deze samenwerking zal worden uitgebouwd tot een Centre of Excellence, Engaging Academic Excellence in the Aviation Sector, als onderdeel van het internationale kennisnetwerk. Het KDC Mainport Schiphol […]

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New article posted (October 12, 2017)

On the KDC-website the following new article is filed under the ‘Projects’ tab: AMAN Cluster including iCAS development* Traffic Merging Support for Schiphol Approach: Follow the ghost

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New articles posted (January 12, 2017)

On the KDC-website the following new articles are filed under the ‘ Projects ‘ tab:   AMAN Cluster including iCAS development * Arrival Management: Please don’t let the bridge be open… Dealing with uncertainties in arrival times* Night Optimal Way to Land: I see, I see… Air traffic controllers predict the future using the Trajectory Manager

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New articles posted (December 6, 2016)

On the KDC-website the following new articles are filed under the ‘ Projects ‘ tab: Airport capacity * RECAT-EU Benefits Schiphol: Greater runway capacity thanks to shorter distances * Operational requirements Schiphol Ground Infrastructure 2016-2020: Queue here!

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New articles posted (August 31, 2016)

On the KDC-website the following new articles are filed under the ‘ Projects ‘ tab: Safe Airspace and Airport Navigation * Alerting based on Flight Plans: The concerned mother-in-law AMAN Cluster including iCAS development * Arrival Management Innovation: Succcessful simulation of AMAN-i4D on iCAS platform Environmental Information Development * Schiphol Noise Predictor: If only you’d […]

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New articles posted (June 7, 2016)

On the KDC-website the following new articles are filed under the ‘ Projects ‘ tab:   Airline Operational Efficiency * Inbound sequencing based on Airline Priorities: A future without delay. Looking for the optimal sequence of inbound flights. * Applications of SWIM: System of cobweb? Towards a new system for Europe.  Airport Capacity * Workloadmodel Schiphol […]

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KDC turns 10! Top five KDC studies that made it to implementation

We’ve performed almost fifty studies since 2006, the year that KDC was founded. About one third of all those studies made it to implementation. We say this with excitement, because believe us, this is a great success rate in Air Traffic Management (ATM) innovation. And even better … our current portfolio indicates that some of […]

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Promising trial results during Schiphol Nighttime Operations (March 31, 2016)

Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) is conducting initial trials at Schiphol airport in the Netherlands of a prototype of Boeing’s Trajectory Manager. The ‘Night Optimal Way to Land’, or Night OWL trial, started on February 1 and will continue until the end of May with several pre-planned test-nights. The system enables Schiphol Approach and […]

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