Airspace Design & Innovation

Traffic Merging Support for Schiphol Approach

Follow the ghost  Merging helps guide traffic to the correct routes. This applies to Dutch motorways but it also applies to our airspace. To develop smooth merging of air traffic the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) conducted the Traffic Merging Support for Schiphol Approach project from August 2016 to January 2017 in close conjunction with LVNL. […]

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Night Optimal Way to Land

I see, I see… Air traffic controllers predict the future using the Trajectory Manager The aircraft makes a smooth descent towards the runway. At the correct altitude, making the least possible noise for local residents. It’s not that difficult. Any modern aircraft can do it. At least, they can as long as there are no other […]

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Arrival Management

Please don’t let the bridge be open… Dealing with uncertainties in arrival times Great! The sun’s shining. One more sip of coffee and you jump on your bike. There are many benefits to cycling to work: Fresh air, a healthy dose of exercise and no traffic jams! Yet your arrival time is not 100% predictable. […]

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Arrival Management + Initial 4D

Successful simulation of AMAN-i4D on iCAS platform Together with INDRA, DFS, NLR (with the support of KDC) and MUAC, LVNL has conducted a successful simulation of the AMAN-i4D concept. AMAN stands for (long-distance) Arrival Manager, whereby systems calculate the expected arrival time of approaching aircraft and the best landing sequence. The sooner adjustments are implemented […]

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Information Project: Study 4th Initial Approach Fix

In developing a more efficient European airspace (Single European Sky), important objectives are that one the one hand shorter routes can be flown and that on the other hand additional distances flown due to the presence of (closed) military airspace are limited as much as possible. To achieve this, military flying areas will be re-located […]

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Arrival Management at Long Distance

Arrival Managers (AMANs) support air traffic controllers in the planning of arrival times. These systems calculate the estimated time of arrival and the optimal landing sequence of approaching aircraft. Based on this data air traffic controllers are able to adjust the aircraft speed earlier on during the flight which enables aircraft to join the chain […]

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Successful AMAN validation session!

Successful AMAN validation session!

On Wednesday December 11th, a validation session was held at NLR in which the new inbound planning system ASAP (Advanced Schiphol Arrival Planner) was demonstrated. The objective of this session was to ascertain that the system meets all operational requirements in order to start using the system. To this goal, a set-up was created at […]

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Interval Management, Operational Performance Assessment

The Dutch aviation sector (KLM, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, LVNL), together with the Department of Infrastructure and Environment have jointly committed to develop a new concept for the Schiphol terminal airspace operations. This concept consists of fixed arrival routes and continuous descent operations. Fixed arrival routes, like standard instrument departures have the tendency to negatively affect […]

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