
Increased Landing Capacity Schiphol

It has been widely recognised that the European Air Traffic Management system is operating close to its limits. At Schiphol this recognition is even stronger. During good visibility the available runways are used to capacity. During poor and marginal visibility, the runway capacity is significantly below normal, which leads to cancellations and delays. Schiphol is […]

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Forecasts LVP conditions

Low visibility has major effects on air traffic. A reliable and accurate forecast enables Air Traffic Control to anticipate these effects. The KDC and KNMI have improved and optimized the visibility forecast in the KDC-LVP project, part of the Dangerous Weather Programme. The acronym LVP stands for Low Visibility Procedure and is the name that […]

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RF-leg: CROS Pilot 3b’+

Concentrating air traffic in between communities can decrease annoyance. With this in mind, a trial started on November 22nd 2007 to concentrate traffic in between the communities of Hoofddorp and Nieuw-Vennep: the CROS Pilot 3b. The route makes use of the radius-to-fix navigation technique (also known as a RF-leg). In the CROS Pilot 3b’+ project the […]

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Independent Parallel CDAs (IPC)

In sustainable airport development an optimal balance between customer demands and environmental constraints is key. Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) operations play a vital role in improving environmental performance in the TMA. Fixed lateral routes with a continuous descent segment have been in place since a number of years at Schiphol in single runway operations during […]

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Increased Groundhandling Capacity Schiphol

Aircraft manoeuvres on airports range from arrivals, departures to towings and pushbacks. All these movements take place in a limited space and can lead to bottlenecks. In order to ensure that the ground infrastructure at Schiphol will continue to operate efficiently, even when traffic numbers increase, potential bottlenecks should be resolved as early as possible. […]

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Speed and Route Advisor (SARA)

The European Commission has started the ‘Single European Sky’ Research Programme (SESAR) to innovate the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system towards the year 2020. This requires innovations on many aspects of the ATM system. An important challenge lies in developing an effective arrival management system. The SARA project is aimed at developing a function […]

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RF-leg: CROS Pilot 3b

By concentrating air traffic in between areas of high population density, annoyance of air traffic can be limited. The Spijkerboor departure for runway 24 at Schiphol passes between the communities of Hoofddorp and Nieuw-Vennep, but conventionally shows a significant dispersion. The implementation of a new route design with an improved method of encoding in the […]

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TP Meteoserver

The Trajectory Predictor (TP) functionality calculates the four-dimensional flight path of an individual flight and is used by air traffic control to make a planning for inbound traffic. The accuracy of its calculations is strongly influenced by the quality of meteorological data.  The TP Meteoserver project aims to develop an optimal meteorological service for air […]

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CROS Pilot 5A (Night arrivals for runway 18R)

During night times, weather permitting, inbound traffic from the north arrives at the Polderbaan (runway 18R) and performs the final approach along fixed routes and specific procedures. This procedure causes a fair amount of annoyance. This CROS Pilot 5 project investigates the possible reduction of noise annoyance north of Schiphol when flying a different approach […]

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